Leading you to right place
Project PlanningWe conduct Pre-feasibility analysis, Front end engineering design (FEED), lifecycle assessment, environmental impact assessments and Techno-economic studies including organizing stakeholder engagement events.
Risk AnalysisDetailed environmental, social and technical assessments and projections with respect to global and local risk factors, existing regulations (CDM, COP26 through COP28) as well as UN SDGs and decarbonization scenarios.
Financing PathwaysWe can help you locate and make a strong case for funding routes including grants, subsidies, bank guarantees. We guide you with tweaking your pitches and prepare you for questions from investors. We specialise in US (IRA), Indian markets (PLIs) and certain Euro-specific incentives.
Focus Industries
Green & Blue Hydrogen/ Ammonia
Biomass to Liquids, Biofeedstocks Demand Response Management Energy Storage Design for Renewables Automation Intelligence for Power Systems |
Transmission and Distribution
Thermal Power Plant Design Gasifier Design Environmental Assessment and Risk Analysis Stakeholder Engagement and Event Management Coal Bed Methane and Underground Gasification Project Planning |